madd(er) for plaid


My philosophy for the winter months is the more plaid, the better. I guess doing yet another post in flannel might prove that… This time, I paired it with riding boots (the red zipper happened to match)!

I feel that plaid embodies Christmas, warmth, and all things lovely in one cozy little package. Maybe that’s why I wear it so much.

This week has included a day happier than Christmas: Bid Day. In sorority language, this is when the new girls join. There is nothing more exciting than welcoming 34 wonderful new friends into your life (especially when your best friend is one of them). I’m so excited to love them all. I also turned 20 (which seems oh so old)!

As for the headband, I made it! Stay tuned to see how you can get one of your own.

Have a wonderful week!




flannel, sold out (similar here)// jeggings// boots (similar)

there’s s(no)w place like home

there's s(no)w place like home

there’s s(no)w place like home


The drive home from Christopher Newport on Saturday brought along a long lost friend. I’ll give you a hint: she’s white, fluffy, and the only reason for happy children on wintry weekday mornings.

Let’s hear it for SNOW, the perfect excuse for Ugg boots, hot drinks, and plenty of peppermint candy canes.

This morning, I braved the cold temperatures (with bare legs!) and did a little winter wonderland adventuring. Plenty of dashing, drifting, and laughing occurred in the making of these photos…

new2 new1


BeFunky_IMG_1015This beautiful vintage bracelet was given to me over Thanksgiving break by my grandmother. She used to wear it to college parties and sorority events, and naturally, I fell in love with it at first sight. BeFunky_IMG_100fdxgchvjb8

acvjhbknlkBeFunky_IMG_1006fdxgchv jkbhvgvjhbkndress (similar)//riding boots//bracelet and earrings (vintage)

Wishing you a wonderfully white Christmas (unless, for some crazy reason, you don’t love snow as much as I do)!

